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Vermilion Life Sciences Ltd

Portfolio Management Experience

In a medium sized specialist company with an emerging and enlarging R&D portfolio, it was key to better understand the investment needs and success criteria for prioritising investment. The portfolio was a mix of lifecycle management of established brands with relatively low risk investment but modest return, together with a high risk asset and a potential first in class, in-licensed asset. 

In determining how best to manage competing projects and spread investment risks, the portfolio was categorised and valued with the Commercial teams. Risk assessments, novelty scores, patient unmet need and valuations were combined to derive risk adjusted valuations and prioritisation. Overlaid on this was an assessment of competitive positioning requirements and the investment needed, and its phasing, to deliver a successful launch, technology appraisal and adoption.

With a new portfolio evaluation, the company was able to better prioritise investment and resourcing decisions. While not relying exclusively on numerical values, applying a sense check based on experience of many development programmes, allowed the prioritisation to complete effectively. 

The outcome was fewer directly competing programmes, due to better awareness of whole life values and investment phasing, as well as clarity on which programmes were most time sensitive. Thus it was possible to determine which projects required immediate investment, and which could be deferred once cash-flow was less critical.

Please  contact us for a discussion of how our Portfolio Management experience can help evaluate the medical need and partnership potential of your projects